Yesterday, my lovely teachers decided it was acceptable to hold class on a Friday. I had a museum trip for both my Global Competence class and my Art History class. For Global Competence, we had to meet at the Cité nationale de l'histoire de l'immigration (CNHI), a museum about immigration in France. We were supposed to be there at 9:45am, but Allie, Carolina, and I were really early because we didn't realize how close it was to our apartment. We found a place to get hot chocolate to go and drank it in a pretty park across the street from the museum.
I love that they have parks here because the city is so different from where I live at home and sometimes it's nice to just see some trees and grass.
The immigration museum was all in French, so I had to turn on my brain really early in the morning, but I did a pretty good job understanding the displays. I definitely can feel my French improving here, and I am so happy to be surrounded by it because I am forced to use it and practice it.
The museum was really interesting because it was displaying old pictures and artifacts, but the displays themselves were very futuristic. It was a strange juxtaposition of new and old, but it worked.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have as much time as I would have liked to spend there looking at everything and practicing reading in French, because we had to rush through it so we could leave in time to get to our Art History museum trip at 1:00pm. We grabbed something to eat on the way to the other museum, and ate on the Metro because the other museum was really far from the first one. We found our teacher waiting in a big park across from the museum, so we had time to relax for a few minutes while we waited for everyone in our class to get there. This museum was the Musee Marmottan Monet, which was a private home with a private art collection that was later turned into a museum. I really liked this place, mostly because it was a beautiful house as apposed to a giant museum. I also liked how much less crowded it was because it isn't a popular tourist destination like the Louvre or the Orsay. All the paintings that we looked at were Impressionist, and we saw a lot of Monet's later work from when he lived at Giverny. I really enjoyed this trip because the paintings we studied were actually pretty to me, and I was disappointed that we weren't allowed to take pictures of them because there were a few that I really liked.
After the museum, a few of my friends and I decided to go to Montmartre where the Sacré-Cœur is. We walked around for a while and found a place to sit up on the hill where we could see the whole city in front of us. Then, we went in the church and saw them finishing the Friday afternoon Mass. The inside is just as pretty as the outside, and I like it a lot better than Notre Damn because it is much lighter inside.
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