Yesterday was tragic in many ways. For one, I was exhausted from the previous night's excursions and I woke up at 11:30 am but preceded to lay in bed for another three hours doing nothing of significance. Once I finally dragged my lazy self out of bed, I had zero energy to tackle all of the things I had to do. One of those things was laundry, an annoying task even in the U.S., but here it is down right obnoxious. If I wanted to do laundry properly, I would have to lug all of my clothes down to the laundry mat three streets away and pay five euros per load. No thank you. So, my roommates and I have decided to do all of our laundry in the tub. There is already a clothes line above our tub, so it makes sense in theory, however, for a little hobbit like myself it is horrible. The tub is so high that I can't even kneel on the floor and lean over the edge. I have to half squat, half lean against the tub with my knees and bend over it. Doing this for a half an hour causes lovely bruises on the knees and a broken back. Also, the tiny little shirts that I am washing decide to put on fifty pounds of water weight and try to pull me over the edge every time I pick them up to wring them out. So much fun.
After all that, I decided to vacuum for some reason. This lead to me having a 20 minute fight with the vacuum and I can honestly say I have never hated an inanimate object more than I hate this little red plastic spawn of satin.
Needless to say, I am fully enjoying living on my own and domesticity really agrees with me.
After my fun couple of hours cleaning I was of course too flustered to do my homework, so I decided to kill a good three hours on the computer doing... I have no idea what. Then when I realized that it was almost time for bed, I decided to start my French assignment. At that point I was so exhausted and delirious that I couldn't really process English, let alone French. Somehow, I finished half of it and left the rest to finish before class. Thankfully I didn't have my first class until 12:45 today so I could sleep in a little and shower before heading to school.
My fashion class was so much fun and my teacher makes me laugh out loud every two minutes. He loves to tell stories about crazy redheads in history and stare right at me smirking. They are all pretty awesome ladies so I'm proud to be associated with them :) We spent most of today's class learning about Elizabeth I who was a "ginger" and was very pale. She made these features fashionable and she was incredibly powerful and influential. I think I should have been born in the 16th century.
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