Surprise, surprise, I'm back in Paris and my heart is finally content again. I spent almost 5 whole months back in the U.S. and then promptly jumped on a plane back to France one week after the end of my second semester. Needless to say, my mom was not pleased that she only got to spend one week with me in between my moving home from school and then leaving for Europe. Thankfully, I have the best mom in the world and she just lets me be my ridiculous, ambitious self without putting up too much of a fight.
It all started about a week before I left my study abroad life in Paris last December. I was sitting in a hostel in London waiting to see my friend who was studying there when I realized that my life in Europe was too good and there was no way that I was going to just go back to the U.S. quietly and let my life go back to its boring, monotonous routine. I quickly decided that I was coming back in the summer no matter what and that there must be some way to get an internship in fashion that would convince my parents to let me go. I searched for hours online for fashion internships in Paris and eventually found a site for a company that helps students from all over the world find international internships. PERFECT. I immediately requested more information and within a week had already done my initial interview via Skype and was all set to apply (all before I even left Paris). Having a set plan and knowing exactly when I was coming back made it a lot easier to leave (even if my parents didn't even know it yet). That's just how I operate.
Fast forward several months, and a lot of parental persuading on my part, and I am once again happily living in the city that I'm pretty sure I was born to live in. I have been here for two weeks getting settled and preparing for my internship that begins this week. I will be working for a personal shopping company called Au Boudoir de Babou, helping them expand their marketing efforts to the U.S. There are 11 other American and Canadian interns in our group that all have really interesting jobs as well. We have all become really close in the past two weeks since we are basically each others' only friends in the city. We have spent almost every day/night together exploring the city and getting closer as a group. From picnics in parks, to bar hopping, to watching them get drunk in the courtyard of Notre Dame, I can honestly say this is one of the best groups of people I have ever met and I am so excited to spend the summer with them in my favorite place.

From top to bottom: toasting to our first night out together, our welcome boat cruise on the Seine, Caitlyn's 21st birthday celebrations